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A crisis that if not rectified will lead to untold disarray and damage. But sceptical is dangerous. But, from within the system that Imran has demonstrated he is more than willing to work in, there was a dreamy scenario.By arrangement with Dawn. Between the dead option of dreamy and the extant option of scepticism, you have to wish for hard-nosed reality. It could turn out to be a hard-nosed middle ground. Not because there is no crisis, but because the crisis is familiar and the options to emerge from it are well known, more or less reasonably implementable and far from the now-or-never option it has been made out to be.

Holding the others’ feet to the fire and, if that too failed, ascending to the most coveted of civilian offices, the PM-ship, with the winds of promise and hope at his back — the dreamy scenario.While political inertia is still possible, it’s increasingly harder to justify.Hard-nosed reality is about reconciling political rhetoric with electoral and governance realities, and doing just enough to stay ahead of the chasing pack.He hasn’t quite burned down the house yet, but he has set a couple of the rooms on fire and embarked on a project wracked by uncertainty. But what is this utter disaster exactly?Back to handouts or bailouts that every government has managed and that Imran’s will too?A horrible government is what Pakistanis have been programmed to accept, which has left, and may leave, Imran with the ultimate get-into-the-PM Office excuse:Scepticism.The other part that has changed is the court’s willingness to get political.Dreamy is already dead.Imran has several advantages here.It’s a lie.Welcome Prime Minister Khan. Why change what’s already working for them?But the dreamy scenario for Khan, and by extension the rest of us, could have been bolstered by two other changes already in place.You gotta do this — “this” being improvements in the anti-corruption regime, service delivery, whatever — because if you don’t you’ll be exposed as liars and frauds.But perhaps more important, Imran has a formidable PR machine available, partly built up by his party, partly loaned out to him by elements supportive of him. Local governments and the census, as everyone knows, only happened when they did because of the court’s intervention. So, who cares who Imran picks as CM, Speaker or anything else formulaically relevant to democratic delivery and success?All Imran has to do is stay a smidgen ahead of the previous lot in terms of delivery, keep his PR machine amped up to maximum, and ride the crest of popular support to remaining a legitimate contender in the next election.The Khanista just wants to feel better about himself and this land of ours. A crisis to unravel Pakistan.Wilful intransigence in the face of fierce political opposition can quite realistically erode political support and boost opponents.In easy terms, in Opposition, Imran’s greatest promise was to force improvements in the status quo by using his political base as leverage. Success.  

And if not success, the third option: why not Imran?Why-not-Imran, the third original possibility and one of the two surviving options, is probably Imran’s greatest asset.There have been three possible versions of Imran. But Imran chose otherwise. Dreamy in the Khanista sense has never existed.The PML(N)’s mismanagement of the economy has proved only one thing: between the PPP’s road to disaster and the N-League’s, there’s only a question of route, not degree. Ours isn’t a polity of overthrow and revolution and the core of the Khan base is already a beneficiary of a two-tiered system: the somewhat-haves and the really have-nots. What’s the worst he can do? Why not give him a chance? It’s not like the others have worked.The PML(N) or the PPP before it would hardly have been eager to listen.

Hard-nosed reality is about accepting marginal change and staying ahead of the chasing pack. One version is already dead, two possibilities remain — and together the three cover the spectrum from the dreamy to the hard-nosed to the sceptical. Hard-nosed reality is about incremental change backed by a vociferous, over-the-top PR machine. A lie at the heart of Imran’s ascension to power and the smiting down of his predecessor has been that Denmark power cables there is a crisis.Put serious-minded political opposition together with specific demands and stack them on top of public disapproval of political inertia and the court’s activism — and you could have had some momentum for positive change. His compromises, as and when they come, aren’t such a big deal — he is the change, not the people he needs to rely on to assemble the necessary numbers.

Posté le 24/11/2020 à 03:00 par eurpowerop
Catégorie Korea plugs

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The Samsung Innovation Lab at IIT-Guwahati will train students on the Internet of Things (IoT), Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, helping them learn industry-relevant skills and making them job-ready.--Press Release--.“I sincerely feel that Samsung Digital Academy Programme at IIT -Guwahati would increasingly help Assam to emerge as a key player in the development of next-generation technology ecosystems and help the state in becoming a potential destination for skill development mission from a digital perspective. The Samsung Innovation Lab at IIT-Guwahati will research areas such as Pervasive Computing, Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning, IoT, Embedded Systems.  

More Samsung Innovation Labs are expected to come in the future.Samsung Digital Academy is Samsung’s corporate social initiative that aims to bridge the digital divide and proficiency gaps in the country by skilling students on cutting-edge technology.The curriculum at the Samsung Innovation Lab at IIT-Guwahati will include the Internet of Things (IoT), embedded systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning.Samsung India today inaugurated the Samsung Digital Academy at IIT-Guwahati, thereby strengthening its commitment towards the government’s Skill India mission and also bolstering the Digital India initiative.“At Samsung, we aim to foster a culture of innovation amongst the students and provide them with the best possible infrastructure. Through this partnership with IIT-Guwahati, the academy targets to train over 300 students in the next three years on these cutting edge technologies.  

I further hope that the collaboration between Samsung and IIT-Guwahati in rolling out this skill initiative will play a crucial role in helping the government develop sustainable employment options in the state,” said hon Korea plugs Chief Minister of Assam, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal. Extensive tutorials and approach documents will also be provided to students to facilitate practical exercises. The current focus of the labs is on activities such as collaborative research with Samsung and course/training offered by Samsung.Samsung has so far set up five Samsung Innovation Labs in IIT-Delhi, IIT-Kanpur, IIT-Hyderabad, IIT-Kharagpur and IIT-Roorkee as part of its Samsung Digital Academy program. The course will be taught over 14 weeks # through classroom lectures, assignments and lab room sessions, self-study and mini-projects. We are confident that Samsung Innovation Lab, which is part of our citizenship initiatives, will help students leverage the growing digital technologies market and develop their talent,” said Pieter Rhee, Corporate Vice President, Samsung India.

Posté le 19/11/2020 à 03:19 par eurpowerop
Catégorie Korea plugs

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In December last year, Japan Italy power cables Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission said Toshiba should be slapped with a record 7.Nikkei said the loss was related to a valuation dispute over Westinghouse Electric's purchase from Chicago Bridge & Iron of a US nuclear service company.In an intensive overhaul, Toshiba has been shedding businesses and announced the sale of its medical devices unit to camera and office equipment maker Canon.With the restructuring efforts, Toshiba positioned the nuclear and chip businesses as core activities, but a huge loss in the nuclear arm may force further measures including capital injection, NHK and other reports said.

The company is expected to report a roughly 100 billion yen (850 million) one-time loss for the fiscal year ending March 2017, the leading business daily Nikkei reported, while public broadcaster NHK and the mass-circulation Yomiuri newspaper said the figure could go up to 500 billion yen.In May, Toshiba appointed a new president to steer the vast conglomerate past the scandal.Toshiba currently expects an annual net profit of 145 billion yen, up 45 percent from an earlier estimate, on sales of 5. linked to the purchase", Toshiba said in a statement following the reports...4 trillion yen.In March # this year, the company said its US units were cooperating with US authorities over alleged accounting irregularities.27 percent lower at 388. Jiji Press and other local media carried similar reports.Tokyo: Shares in Toshiba dived more than 12 percent Tuesday on reports it is likely to record a huge special loss related to a US subsidiary's acquisition of a nuclear power service company. Westinghouse and seller Chicago Bridge & Iron have turned to an independent accountant to resolve a dispute over a difference in asset valuation, Toshiba said.  

A once-proud pillar of corporate Japan, Toshiba has been besieged by problems, most notably a profit-padding scandal in which bosses for years systematically pushed subordinates to cover up weak financial results.3 percent.Japan's national pension fund, the world's biggest, said in June this year it was suing Toshiba over the scandal that slashed the value of its stock in the company.Toshiba shares traded 12.37 billion yen fine over the profit-padding scheme that hammered its reputation..The Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) wants more than 9 million in damages to cover losses linked to some of its investment in Toshiba, and that figure may grow."Currently we are studying a loss of some 100 billion yen.70 yen at the break, paring an earlier loss of as much as 16.

Posté le 12/11/2020 à 04:39 par eurpowerop
Catégorie Korea plugs

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